Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  Adric Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:37 am

I ADORE THIS MAN and hope that I can get atleast one person to hear him. I'll post various clips via youtube. People think this guy is nuts ... the wheel of fortune watchers. Give him a chance.



HOW WEED WON THE WEST! This one is done in segments, but easy as hell to navigate. Just look to the right for clip 2 and so forth. I'm in CO and am a medical marijuana card holder. If you smoke, I "high"ly suggest moving to a state that has means of making it legal. It's super easy to qualify because the movement is in effect. For me, it helps my constant back pain. I also suffer from agoraphobia and won't even get into how that has made my life hell. I'm on clonazepam for that. It chills me out, but am getting immune. I trust the FDA like Hitler and please include me in an uprising.
Alex Jones can be seen on youtube daily. Please get to know him. I haven't turned on the TV in over a decade. It's a joke. Mainstream media is worthy of the Sunday comics. Please go to or for the REAL news. On top of the movies I've posted, let me direct you to his radio show.
Our generation is waking up. We need to stop killing each other and rake these thugs out of the White House.

TheAlexJonesChannel .... Killing The Small Farm Part 1
The Small Farm Part 2
Killing The Small Farm Part 3

will add daily. comments welcome.

Last edited by Adric on Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:28 am; edited 1 time in total

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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  Adric Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:42 am


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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  Adric Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:41 am


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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  misery guts Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:08 am

Seriously, though, do you honestly believe the Bush Administration masterminded a scheme to kill thousands of their own citizens, not to mention invoking the silence of still more thousands of US workers, who must have been involved in setting it all up? And for what? To declare war on Osama bin Laden, a war which has gone conspicuously badly for most of the past 9 years? No
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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  Adric Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:59 am

misery guts wrote:
Seriously, though, do you honestly believe the Bush Administration masterminded a scheme to kill thousands of their own citizens, not to mention invoking the silence of still more thousands of US workers, who must have been involved in setting it all up? And for what? To declare war on Osama bin Laden, a war which has gone conspicuously badly for most of the past 9 years? No

I've been trying to think of how to word this as not to start an attack by the people who have different opinions on this. Whether you believe 9/11 was an inside job or not, I respect that. I ask anyone reading this to do the same. I am welcome to debate anything covered here with anyone providing there is no bashing or name calling. When we cannot publicly voice our own opinions, we have lost our freedom of speech.

Let me answer your question, but also ask you a question. Have you watched "Endgame" or "Terror Storm" (linked on top of this thread)? My beliefs come from what I have seen with my own eyes. The evidence is overwhelming and stacked against the Bush Adm. and so forth. My view is that the case is open and shut.
I believe that the US govt. is a lie. Our govt. is truly corrupt (as they all all) and the citizens are scum in their eyes. AJ says it so much better, but their concern is passing carbon taxes and reducing the world population. This goes back far before Bush was in office.
Our so called "govt" is spraying poison (see "What in the world are they spraying" post above) which is making people deathly ill in some areas. They are spraying corexit in the Gulf of Mexico which is lethal to humans. Still, Obama is promoting tourism and saying eating the seafood is perfectly fine. 99% of us know that is a huge lie. I could write a book on the corruption AJ has covered in the past 6 months alone. They are pimping the H1N1 flu vaccine like a drug dealer pimps cocaine. People are waking up to the fact that this vaccine (and many other vaccines) are poison causing ailments that are off the charts. Since I discovered AJ, I have changed my eating habits and only buy pure bottled water. ("Food-The Ultimate Secret Exposed" is an excellent documentary and will try to find and post it soon). The stuff that these planes are spraying is getting into our drinking water. Not to mention the flouride and other crap they have added to it. Who needs drug cartels when we have the FDA pushing crap at us that have side effects far worse than the ailment they supposedly cure.
Just with these few examples, my conclusion is that the govt. has no regard for human life aside from their own ugly selves. Do I believe 9/11 was an inside job? Absolutely, yes. Our govt. have no conscience or care for life. Money and oil run through their veins. No consideration for life at all. While many questions are still unanswered, I will go to my grave believing that the 3,000+ lives lost on 9/11 were perfectly fine to them. Less mouths to feed, so to speak. Tyranny at its finest. Many people can't or won't accept that reality, but we won't be in denial forever.
No one is right about everything and AJ makes mistakes as well. Still, I cling on to everything he says because I truly believe in him and his cause to the bitter core. The majority of people see him as a nutjob. That's fine. I believe the man is extremely smart and I wish I was half as smart as he is. He doesn't just report the tyranny going on around us. He backs it up with means for the nonbelievers to research it for themselves. Unlike the bought mainstream media, he speaks from the heart and gives us the truth. Imho, he is one of the bravest and patriotic Americans there are. While I fear for his safety, I admire him for the endless hours of work that he does. No matter what one believes, I encourage people to view his documentaries. Peace~

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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  Adric Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:09 am

I've just located on youtube the full version of an excellent documentary. This is the latest in the trilogy. Incredible information here and hope that anyone seeing this will check it out. Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length

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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  Adric Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:57 am


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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  misery guts Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:33 am

I think the simplest thing to do is for us to agree to disagree. I know we disagree on the virtues of 'dope', but I find that less of an issue than all this clown

To put it another way: I respect you, but I do not respect this Alex Jones character as far as I could throw him No
misery guts
misery guts

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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  Adric Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:23 am

misery guts wrote:I think the simplest thing to do is for us to agree to disagree. I know we disagree on the virtues of 'dope', but I find that less of an issue than all this clown

To put it another way: I respect you, but I do not respect this Alex Jones character as far as I could throw him No

Totally cool with that. afro I know he's an aquired taste, to say the least. If it's any comfort, I have to listen to his show when my roommate is sleeping because he positively hates AJ lol. So yes, I'll continue to post some of his broadcasts from time to time. If one person ever discovers and likes AJ through this thread, I will feel very good about it. Still, I like keeping this topic tucked away in here because this is a music forum. Politics in general is a touchy topic and never mixes well with anything. Always better to either like or dislike Willie Nelson ... much easier to debate lol. I'm just a modern day hippy who wishes for everyone to get along. Damn shame I was too young for Woodstock. elephant

Last edited by Adric on Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:36 am; edited 1 time in total

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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  Adric Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:29 pm

As promised, and I was eagerly awaiting this documentary, it is here. I urge anyone to see this. If you can disprove that we're being poisoned after watching this, please be my guest. Misery, AJ isn't even in this, so you might wanna check this out, no pressure.

What In The World Are They Spraying? Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

Clip 4

Clip 5

Clip 6

Clip 7

Last edited by Adric on Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  misery guts Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:23 pm

Only watched Clip 1 so far. Perhaps best I don't comment until I've tried some more Neutral
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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  Adric Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:12 am

misery guts wrote:Only watched Clip 1 so far. Perhaps best I don't comment until I've tried some more Neutral

Have you watched anymore of this? Thankfully I haven't seen it in my area, but I know what to look for. Haven't posted any AJ in a while because I needed a break myself. This stuff can really barrel down on you, yet I want to be educated. Posting this 23 minute clip and hope it reaches someone....

Children "Lobotomized" Via 'Fluoridated' Bottled Water 1/2

Children "Lobotomized" Via 'Fluoridated' Bottled Water 2/2

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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  misery guts Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:48 am

There is often periodic suggestion that Fluoride should be put in the water in the UK, in order to improve children's poor teeth. It never happens, though.

I expect he has the right facts (well, some of them), but his presentation seems a bit counter-productive ("hey, I tell the cops they're poisoning themselves and they think I'm nuts!" Well, duh Rolling Eyes )

I'll see if I can find some relevant cross-info. Though at my typical speed, this may take time... Suspect
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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  Adric Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:03 am

Steve Watson: Libya Conflict - Can We Call This A War Yet?

Steve Watson: Libya Conflict - Can We Call This A War Yet? - Alex Jones Tv 2/2

MG, what are your thoughts on this? All I can say is, wow! Why can't everyone just get along?

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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  misery guts Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:57 am

I think the situation in Libya has proven more tricky than the rebels expected, given the earlier results in Tunisia etc. The problem is that having gone this far, the UN "allies" can't really back down without sending a bad message both to the Libyans, and the rest of the Middle East, and any other dictatorial nitwits around the world.

It's perhaps worth noting that 25 years ago this month, the US bombed Libya in reprisals for something, and ruined a previous attempt by the Libyan people to quietly bring Qaddafi down, and so effectively gave him a mandate for life.

As for the streetparty bit, I think whether people hold such a spectacle is a matter of personal choice. I find it ironic that America should slag off the Royal Family when there is still so much interest, indeed psudeo-deification of the Kennedy family, for example (and the Obama example he suggests isn't really related to this, it's a whole other struggle that I hope Mr Jones doesn't completely misunderstand).
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Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved..... Empty Re: Alex Jones / Open Minds Loved.....

Post  Adric Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:59 am


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